Friday, January 14, 2011

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

Soooo, World Hypnotism Day is tomorrow! It's all day and there's a change that you can walk out a completely new and improved you. Yes, the Auto Show is also tomorrow but that's all week! How often can you have an almost guaranteed win in your life? If you're anything like the rest of the world, not very often. Take the leap and attend World Hypnotism Day because chances are, you'll be better for it.

And since the event is all day you can still go to the Auto Show when you leave! WIN/WIN! I told you!

Hope to see you there!

There are raffles every hour, demonstrations, and a chance to live better.

You could stop smoking, you could take fewer pain killers, you could be healthier, you could be happier! But not if you don't start somewhere, start at the Authentic Living Center tomorrow from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Take a break from the weeklong Auto Show festivities to Change Your Life!

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
Jan. 15, 2011
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

·        Stick to your New Year’s Resolutions
·        Live Stress Free
·        Stop Taking Countless Pills
·        Be Happy, Be Healthy
Be Encouraged!

World Hypnotism Day is dedicated to showing you the advantages of Hypnotherapy as an alternative means of healthy living, sticking to goals and living better.

The event also boasts vendors offering professional services and raffles every hour!
·        FREE Hypnotherapy Sessions
·        FREE Life Coaching Session Giveaways
·        FREE Downloads
·        Healthy Living Vitamins
·        Massage Therapy Gift Certificates
  • Music and Directional CD’s and MORE!!

Attend the All-Day FREE event packed with seminars and same day help and begin the path to the new you!


1640 Axtell Road § Troy, MI 48084 § 248-822-9253

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