Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World Hypnotism Day Open House - January 15, 2011

Sponsored by: Michigan Association of Counselors & Hypnotherapists

Saturday, January 15, 2011 -

This Event is FREE - Open to the Public.

Location: The Authentic Living Center,
1640 Axtell Road, Troy, MI 48084
, For complete information Call: (248) 852-9223

This World Hypnotism Day event is an all-day program focusing on the uses and benefits of hypnosis. You will learn many ways that hypnosis can enhance your life and improve your health.

Discover simple techniques to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce pain, recover more quickly from surgery, overcome trauma and better understand the workings of the brain and the mind. Create happiness and peace in your life and SO MUCH MORE!

Contact Mary Vallei for details and schedule information. Cell # 970-443-7788

Featuring many renowned speakers:
▪ Dr. Anna Spencer, PhD, Founder of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®and Infinity Institute International Inc.
▪ Robert Levine, PhD, Director of Research for Henry Ford Integrative Medicine
▪ James Duncan President and Director Infinity Institute International, Inc. –School of Hypnosis
▪ Dr. Mujtaba Zahoor, NMD, Naturopath
And many more…

Meet Vendors and Exhibitors including Hypnotherapists, Psychologists, Massage Therapists, Energy Healers, and more…

Receive a free gift bag for attending and register to win raffle gifts.

For complete information Contact the Center: (248) 852-9223

Everyone is Welcome – Bring a Friend!

Dr. Anna Spencer, PhD

Anna H. Spencer, Ph.D. is the Founder of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®. It was an outgrowth of her state licensed hypnosis training school, Infinity Institute International, Inc. 

Dr. Spencer is an educator, author, radio and TV personality, an international speaker and Certified Hypnotherapist. She has been selected for inclusion in Who's Who of America and of the World. Her master's degree in education came from Marygrove College where she taught as an Adjunct Professor of Business.

Dr. Spencer was inducted into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame in 1995. She received the prestigious Dave Elman Award as Instructor of the Year in 1996.  The Presidents Award 2000 was presented to Dr. Anne by the International Association of Counselors & Therapists. The Award of Excellence for Health Care was awarded to her by the International Hypnosis Federation in 2002. In 2006 Dr. Spencer received the celebrated IACT Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in developing Complimentary Care Courses and Programs. The National Guild of Hypnotists honored her with their highest award The Order of the Braid at their annual convention in Boston, MA.

At the
2006 IMDHA Conference Dr.
Anna was presented with the HEZEKIAH AWARD for her 20 years of service. It reads: In recognition of your outstanding accomplishments and exemplary performance in the advancement of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®.

Since 1980 she has been devoting her life to helping people change their lives through the power of the subconscious mind.  Dr. Spencer's vision is a door marked HYPNOTHERAPIST in every health care facility worldwide - staffed by Certified Hypnotherapists. Complimentary Care is now embracing hypnosis as a valid modality and in part because of her vision and the Hypnotherapists who embraced it with her.

Dr. Spencer brings her years of valuable marketing experience into the classroom as well. By the time students finish her three courses in hypnosis they understand how to use hypnosis and how to operate a successful hypnotherapy practice.

Infinity Institute has a Hypnosis and Holistic Living Store on the site. It includes, the newsletter called Subconsciously Speaking, Dr. Anna’s books, CD's and DVD's as well as products by other experts from around the world. In addition the Annual Hypnosis Educational Conference recordings are available from 2001 through 2006. These recording done by the Best of the Best are one-of-a-kind and found exclusively on this web site.

Educators from around the world are teaching the 120-hour hypnosis curriculum that Anna H. Spencer, PhD developed. These educational facilities are highlighted on the web site, “Hypnosis Training Worldwide”.
Spencer’s professional memberships include: American Board of Hypnotherapy; American Pacific University; British National Register of Advanced Hypnotherapists, International Association of Counselors and Therapists, International Hypnosis Federation, International Hypnosis Hall of Fame Guild, National Guild of Hypnotists, and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®.

The Infinity Institute educational experience offers students the opportunity to learn hypnosis, hypnotherapy and therapeutic touch academically and experientially. Students participate in exercises designed to enhance personal and professional growth as well as learn how to positively impact the lives of others.

Dr. Spencer is the first woman to have an international hypnosis organization specializing in medical and dental modalities as well as general issues. In addition she was the first woman to have an international state licensed post secondary school to teach hypnosis as an occupation. For this and all of her contributions to the art and science of Hypnosis she has been dubbed Legendary in her own time.

The Infinity Institute motto reads: Your Potential is Infinite…

Dr. Kim Manning, PhD

  • Academy for Continued Hypnosis Education-International (President)
  • The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (Past President)
  • The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
  • CBT Association For Hypnotherapists CBTAH (Clinical Advisor)
  • International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (Life Fellow & Diplomat)
  • National Register of Advanced Hypnotherapists (Accredited Advanced Trainer)
  • Association of Transpersonal Psychology & Hypnotherapy

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gordon Boyd

Access Director, Gordon Boyd has been studying therapeutic trance for more than Four Decades. He took a year of clinical training in psychotherapy at Eastern State Hospital as part of his Master of Divinity degree in counseling and has completed his Ph.D. in Behavioral Sciences.  He taught classes in psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy and philosophy at Great Lakes College and Baker College from 1994 to 2009 and has recently written the curriculum for Cognitive Behavior Therapy for the entire Baker College System. He has been teaching therapeutic trance to various professionals including medical doctors, clergy members, and counselors since 1992 and has been featured as a presenter to professional hypnosis conferences in Santa Anna, Chicago, Atlanta, and New Orleans on such topics as "Hypnosis and Multilevel Consciousness", "The Pastoral Use of Hypnotherapy in A Case of Major Organ Systemic Lupus and Bone Cancer", and "My Favorite Ericksonian Paradigms". Gordon is also an ordained United Methodist clergyperson serving has "Minister of Pastoral Care" at Franklin United Methodist Church. In 2005 he became an approved school with the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. He enjoys organic vegetable gardening and is currently studying herbal, naturopathic healing traditions, and Chinese Traditional Medicine. He is married to Elena and has a grown daughter living and teaching physics in Chicago, Ph.D.,

Christine Allyson

Certified Hypnotherapist Christine Allyson is a Life Coach, Speaker and Author.
Her book “So You Want to Make a Change?” is a synthesis of her favorite tools and techniques from over 25 years experience as an Interpersonal Skills Trainer, Process Change Consultant combined with her favorite spiritual principles. Using all of these tools, as a Life Coach she facilitates her clients in attaining their goals and intentions by teaching them how to shift from the dominant focus of reacting from fear and replace it with proactively moving toward a love of growth and evolution.

Charlene Levine

Charlene Levine is a stress and pain elimination specialist, certified mind-body connection expert, and master of communication. Over the last 10 years, she has combined her degree in communication with transformational technology to help people rapidly harness their personal power and apply it to eliminate “mis-communication stress”. All blocks to harnessing personal power and achieving the results we want are hidden from our view in the “inner mind.” In seminars offered through her company, Future Visions Fulfilled, LLC, Charlene goes beyond having you reduce your stress and pain to actually eliminating it. Her expertise in the mind-body connection has you revealing formerly hidden blocks in your “inner mind” that have been restricting your ability to eliminate stress and pain. Once the blocks have been removed from your “inner mind,” you are then free to apply “the seven steps of effective communication” to eliminate “mis-communication stress” which will instantly cause improvements in your relationships. In addition, you will learn about a stress and pain elimination technique called Effective Muscle Release that you can use anytime to eliminate musculature pain or postural distortion from your body.  With Charlene and her team, you accelerate change and get the results you want fast!

Dr. Bob Levine

Dr. Levine received his Ph.D. in Pharmacology from George Washington University in 1982 and has spent over 30 years in basic research on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, psychiatric illness, and aging. Dr. Levine is also a gifted practitioner of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities including, mind-body therapy, acupuncture, soft tissue therapy, movement education, and holistic nutrition.

After conducting research for 9 years at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), he joined the Dept. of Psychiatry at Wayne State University IN 1985. In 1993, he became the Director of the Gossett Neurology Labs at Henry Ford Health System (HFHS). Dr. Levine lectures internationally and is recognized for his seminal research. His has received numerous federal grants, edited 5 books, and published over 80 scientific articles.

In 1995, Dr. Levine resolved his own severe chronic pain condition using CAM after conventional care was ineffective. He then expanded his research to provide clinical assessments of CAM effectiveness. He organized the first randomized, controlled CAM clinical trial at HFHS, producing a reduction of severe migraine headache symptoms. In a surgical first that achieved national media coverage, only acupuncture and hypnosis (that he provided) were used in place of general and spinal anesthesia for an ACL reconstructive knee surgery.

As the Director of the Henry Ford Center for Integrative Wellness, Dr. Levine has more recently been using integrative wellness approaches with large groups of employees from Chrysler, HFHS, and Dow Chemical for stress and pain elimination and health optimization. These programs have produced dramatic, positive health benefits while being very cost effective for employers. Dr. Levine received one of the Detroit Crain’s Healthcare Heroes 2008 awards for his first Chrysler group program, “We’ve Got Your Back”, and the program received the HFHS Focus on People 2007 and HFHS Quality and Safety Expo 2007 awards. His team also received the HFHS Quality and Safety Expo 2008 and 2009 awards for the 2nd and 3rd generation group programs offered at Chrysler HFHS, and Dow Chemical. Since 2007, 18 group programs have been attended by over 1,100 people; over 80% of participants experienced pain relief, and over 40% of all chronic pain conditions were eliminated! Group programs are currently being offered to other corporations, faith-based organizations, and patients.

Dr. Levine is a dynamic speaker on holistic health and healing, and has received national media coverage for his innovative programs. He is the co-host of the weekly show, “Wellness Action Report” at WNZK Radio, Southfield, MI. He is also a wellness consultant to Future Visions Fulfilled, LLC and Corporate Wellness Resources, LLC. He is committed to reducing the burden of high healthcare costs on corporations, governments, patients, and community organizations by improving health and reducing utilization

James Duncan, CHt.

James Duncan is the President and Executive Director of Infinity Institute International, Inc. A state licensed school of hypnosis and holistic education in Royal Oak, MI. He is a a Life Diplomat of the IMDHA, James Duncan’s personal experience with Hypnosis goes back over 30 years. He states, “I always strive to know that I gently help people to truly help themselves.”

His clientele consists predominantly of people with medical concerns but he also works extensively with those seeking well-being in life and to enhance performance in many diverse fields. He is a guest lecturer & Hypnotherapist for organizations such as Gilda’s Club, Karmanos Cancer Institute and The National Marfan Foundation Support Groups. He works with religious groups, performers, law enforcement, wellness practitioners & business people in finding better ways of living successfully through hypnosis. He is a well respected practitioner receiving referrals from physicians, psychiatrists, counselors, ministers, clients and hypnosis colleagues alike and is the hypnotherapist of choice for many hypnotherapists and psychology professionals for their own personal hypnosis work, earning him the nickname, “The Therapist’s Hypnotherapist”

As a Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Mr. Duncan is qualified to induce general anesthetic for major surgery in place of standard chemical anesthetic as well as rapid inductions of 30 seconds or less in emergency rooms and urgent care situations.

Mr. Duncan holds certification in the advanced techniques of Forensic Hypnosis and is qualified internationally to aid law enforcement investigations with witnesses & victims as well as participate as an expert witness in court actions.

As a member of the Board of Directors of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association and former Director of IMDHA’s Mentoring Program, Jim is an international consultant and mentor.  He was named a Life Fellow of IMDHA in 2006 and IMDHA Member of the Year in 2004. He is a certified member of The International Association of Counselors and Therapists.

James Duncan regularly helps clients across the USA and internationally. He is a much sought after lecturer to medical professionals and hospitals and has been requested to lecture as far away as India. He is an author and regular contributor to many publications and is the former Editor of Subconsciously Speaking, The original IMDHA newsletter. He is a regular for Unlimited Human, the official newsletter of IACT/IMDHA.  Jim was recently named to the Editorial Board of Therapy Times and is one of the expert practitioner bloggers at http://www.therapytimes.com/. He is an educational Affiliate for Alpha University.

Although his teaching and lecture schedule limit his availability, James Duncan still makes time when possible to see private clients and may be contacted for sessions through his website at http://www.infinityinst.com/

Joshua Johnston

Joshua Johnston is a certified hypnotherapist with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) who works from his home office in Auburn Hills, MI. With training in Parts Therapy, age regression and medical hypnosis, as well as experience with neurolinguistic programming (NLP), he helps people stop smoking, control their weight and appetite, improve their sports game, enjoy relief from pain and recover from surgery faster and easier. 

Initially motivated by helping a friend, Joshua has studied hypnosis both formally and informally for over 15 years, combining his love of language with compassion and a desire to heal. He holds a BA from the University of Washington, Seattle, in Linguistics and is available for speaking engagements and private sessions through his website at http://www.firegoldhypnosis.com/ .

Hena Husain CHt, PhD

Hena Husain CHt, PhD achieved her Bachelors in Psychology from Simon Frasier University in Vancouver B.C., Canada. She gained her doctorate in Behavioral Science from Alpha University, Louisiana.

Hena is a multi- disciplinary therapist with certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki and Medical Hypnotherapy. Hena is in high demand by men and women who seek practical solutions to overcoming the emotional and subconscious barriers that stand between them and their goals.

Hena is also in demand as a lecturer, seminar leader and keynote speaker as she is a highly motivational speaker who knows how to captivate her audience and direct them to change.

Dr. Mujtaba Zahoor, N.D., N.M.D., C.M.Ht

Dr. Mujtaba Zahoor, N.D., N.M.D., C.M.Ht (Doctor of Naturopath/Alternative Medicine)  -  http://www.zahoorhealthcare.com/.  

Dr. Zahoor is a licensed Naturopathic Physician who holds certifications in Medical Hypnotherapy and Nutritional Consulting.  He is board certified as an Alternative Medical and Holistic Health Practitioner.  Dr. Zahoor specializes in hypnotherapy, Total Body Modification (T. B. M.), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), allergy elimination, homeopathic consulting, nutrition/diet, and several other modalities.  Dr. Zahoor did his undergraduate work at Wayne State University before attending Naturopathic School in Arkansas.

Mary M. Vallei, CCHt

Mary is the owner and primary hypnotherapist of the Hypnotherapy Center for Positive Change. Mary works with adults and children, and has an active multi-state practice in Colorado, Michigan, New Mexico, and Washington. Mary provides individual client hypnotherapy; training in elements of hypnotherapy to physicians and their staff; conducts prevention and wellness seminars to corporations and small businesses; guides teen athletes in performance improvement and goal achievement. She also is co-founder of The Quiet the Mind Retreats TM.  

The Retreats are held at resort and retreat locations throughout the West and Southwestern United Sates two times a year.

Mary M. Vallei is a graduate of the Colorado School of Counseling Hypnotherapy in Longmont, Colorado, a CO State accredited school and an IMDHA and ACHE approved school.  Mary is a member of the IMDHA, IACT, and the ACHE, and the Colorado Association of Psychotherapists.

Before founding the Hypnotherapy Center for Positive Change, Mary worked with numerous non-profit organizations training Boards of Directors and Executive Directors in the art of nonprofit management. She also served as executive director of several large nonprofits that provide health and counseling services.

Denise Jacob, RN, PhD, CHt

Neuroscience is showing us that each time we chose a thought, emotion, or behavior that is more in accordance with our desires we begin to create and then deepen desirable new pathways in our brains.  Learn how hypnosis can help you take advantage of this exciting discovery to create the life you want!

Denise Jacob, RN, PhD, CHt has bachelors and doctoral degrees in nursing from the University of Michigan and hypnosis certification from the International Medical and Dental Hypnosis Association.  She has worked in a variety of nursing roles including critical care, home care, and hospice. Her in-depth study of the latest developments in both conventional and alternative medicine provide her the expertise to help clients develop a truly integrative approach to life, health and healing.  She uses hypnosis, healing touch, holistic nutrition and health counseling in her private practice and is a frequent speaker on topics related to integrative health care..

World Hypnosis Day 2011 Schedule


The Purpose of World Hypnotism Day is to: Increase Acceptance of Hypnosis as a Sound, Effective Approach for Medical and Psychological Conditions and Problems As Well as for Personal Growth and Fostering of Well-being.

Hypnosis is the Key to Physical Health and to Well-Being of Mind and Spirit
“Learn How Hypnosis Can Help You Be Well, Stay Well, Live Well”

Hypnosis is the Key to Integrative Care, Complementary Medicine and Overall Balance in Living.

TOPICS and SPEAKERS (Changes in Speakers and Times May Change)

OPENING SPEAKER:  Dr. Anna Spencer, PhD 10:00 am

1.  What is Hypnosis: Debunking Myths and Developing Understand of the Workings and Benefits of Hypnosis  
By:  Dr. Anne Spencer, PhD; Founder of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association and the Infinity Institute School of Hypnosis.

2.  What is Integrative Care and How Does Hypnosis Make it Possible
By:  Dr. Robert Levine, PhD  11:00 am

3.  Relationships---Learn to Communicate and Create Better Interactions with Family, Friends, at Work, With Yourself
  By: Charlene Levine  11:00 am

4. Lower Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, PSA levels and More through Hypnosis
By: Dr. Zahoor                               

5.  13. Weight Loss with Hypnosis             
By Dr. Kim Manning, PhD     

6. Learn to Live Stress Free with Hypnosis
By: Hena Hussain, CHt., PhD, President MI Association Counselors and Hypnotherapists and Owner of Balance4Life Hypnotherapy 

7.  Steer Yourself Out of a Rut: How to Create the Change You Desire
By: Dr. Denise Jacob, RN, PhD

8.  Linking the Mind and Body Together--Hypnosis in Medicine
By: Dr. Kim Manning, PhD, International Speaker and Accredited Trainer    

9. Pre and Post-Surgery Hypnosis Enhances the Success and Recovery of Surgery
By: Dr. Mujtaba Zahoor, Naturopath, ND, NMD

10.  Hypnosis can Help You Kick Tobacco and Other Habits and Addictions
By: James Duncan, President and Executive Director Infinity Institute International, Inc. 

11.  From Darkness to Light—Overcoming Trauma with Hypnosis
By: Gordon Boyd, PhD                               

12. Come on Get Happy:  Learn How to Create A Happier You and Learn How to Create a Healthier You
By: Mary M. Vallei, CCHt, BA; Owner Hypnotherapy Center for Positive Change AND Christine Allyson, Certified Life Coach, Speaker and Author…………..  

13. Diminish and Manage Chronic Pain the Drug-free Way
By: Joshua Johnston, CHt