Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gordon Boyd

Access Director, Gordon Boyd has been studying therapeutic trance for more than Four Decades. He took a year of clinical training in psychotherapy at Eastern State Hospital as part of his Master of Divinity degree in counseling and has completed his Ph.D. in Behavioral Sciences.  He taught classes in psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy and philosophy at Great Lakes College and Baker College from 1994 to 2009 and has recently written the curriculum for Cognitive Behavior Therapy for the entire Baker College System. He has been teaching therapeutic trance to various professionals including medical doctors, clergy members, and counselors since 1992 and has been featured as a presenter to professional hypnosis conferences in Santa Anna, Chicago, Atlanta, and New Orleans on such topics as "Hypnosis and Multilevel Consciousness", "The Pastoral Use of Hypnotherapy in A Case of Major Organ Systemic Lupus and Bone Cancer", and "My Favorite Ericksonian Paradigms". Gordon is also an ordained United Methodist clergyperson serving has "Minister of Pastoral Care" at Franklin United Methodist Church. In 2005 he became an approved school with the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. He enjoys organic vegetable gardening and is currently studying herbal, naturopathic healing traditions, and Chinese Traditional Medicine. He is married to Elena and has a grown daughter living and teaching physics in Chicago, Ph.D.,

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