Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dr. Anna Spencer, PhD

Anna H. Spencer, Ph.D. is the Founder of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®. It was an outgrowth of her state licensed hypnosis training school, Infinity Institute International, Inc. 

Dr. Spencer is an educator, author, radio and TV personality, an international speaker and Certified Hypnotherapist. She has been selected for inclusion in Who's Who of America and of the World. Her master's degree in education came from Marygrove College where she taught as an Adjunct Professor of Business.

Dr. Spencer was inducted into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame in 1995. She received the prestigious Dave Elman Award as Instructor of the Year in 1996.  The Presidents Award 2000 was presented to Dr. Anne by the International Association of Counselors & Therapists. The Award of Excellence for Health Care was awarded to her by the International Hypnosis Federation in 2002. In 2006 Dr. Spencer received the celebrated IACT Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in developing Complimentary Care Courses and Programs. The National Guild of Hypnotists honored her with their highest award The Order of the Braid at their annual convention in Boston, MA.

At the
2006 IMDHA Conference Dr.
Anna was presented with the HEZEKIAH AWARD for her 20 years of service. It reads: In recognition of your outstanding accomplishments and exemplary performance in the advancement of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®.

Since 1980 she has been devoting her life to helping people change their lives through the power of the subconscious mind.  Dr. Spencer's vision is a door marked HYPNOTHERAPIST in every health care facility worldwide - staffed by Certified Hypnotherapists. Complimentary Care is now embracing hypnosis as a valid modality and in part because of her vision and the Hypnotherapists who embraced it with her.

Dr. Spencer brings her years of valuable marketing experience into the classroom as well. By the time students finish her three courses in hypnosis they understand how to use hypnosis and how to operate a successful hypnotherapy practice.

Infinity Institute has a Hypnosis and Holistic Living Store on the site. It includes, the newsletter called Subconsciously Speaking, Dr. Anna’s books, CD's and DVD's as well as products by other experts from around the world. In addition the Annual Hypnosis Educational Conference recordings are available from 2001 through 2006. These recording done by the Best of the Best are one-of-a-kind and found exclusively on this web site.

Educators from around the world are teaching the 120-hour hypnosis curriculum that Anna H. Spencer, PhD developed. These educational facilities are highlighted on the web site, “Hypnosis Training Worldwide”.
Spencer’s professional memberships include: American Board of Hypnotherapy; American Pacific University; British National Register of Advanced Hypnotherapists, International Association of Counselors and Therapists, International Hypnosis Federation, International Hypnosis Hall of Fame Guild, National Guild of Hypnotists, and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®.

The Infinity Institute educational experience offers students the opportunity to learn hypnosis, hypnotherapy and therapeutic touch academically and experientially. Students participate in exercises designed to enhance personal and professional growth as well as learn how to positively impact the lives of others.

Dr. Spencer is the first woman to have an international hypnosis organization specializing in medical and dental modalities as well as general issues. In addition she was the first woman to have an international state licensed post secondary school to teach hypnosis as an occupation. For this and all of her contributions to the art and science of Hypnosis she has been dubbed Legendary in her own time.

The Infinity Institute motto reads: Your Potential is Infinite…

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