Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Denise Jacob, RN, PhD, CHt

Neuroscience is showing us that each time we chose a thought, emotion, or behavior that is more in accordance with our desires we begin to create and then deepen desirable new pathways in our brains.  Learn how hypnosis can help you take advantage of this exciting discovery to create the life you want!

Denise Jacob, RN, PhD, CHt has bachelors and doctoral degrees in nursing from the University of Michigan and hypnosis certification from the International Medical and Dental Hypnosis Association.  She has worked in a variety of nursing roles including critical care, home care, and hospice. Her in-depth study of the latest developments in both conventional and alternative medicine provide her the expertise to help clients develop a truly integrative approach to life, health and healing.  She uses hypnosis, healing touch, holistic nutrition and health counseling in her private practice and is a frequent speaker on topics related to integrative health care..

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